Thursday, March 22, 2007

Trip to Seattle

Things are moving along fast and furious now. The four of us will be headed to Seattle next Tuesday (March 27, 2006) for our house hunting trip.

We're also busily working on our current house to sell it. There's landscaping to be done and some minor bathroom plumbing that we're taking care of this week. Also... lots of powerwashing so that we can have the deck looking great for our prospective buyers.

We're going to have our friend Maureen Cashel list the house for us. But, it might be the easiest sell she's ever had because Colleen's Cousin Tim is interested in the house. He's on vacation right now but will be back by the end of the week and he's got first dibs on it if he wants it. He saw it in its "unimproved" state last week and liked it a lot.

welp... nuff of a break. back to work.

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