Thursday, March 22, 2007

Trip to Seattle

Things are moving along fast and furious now. The four of us will be headed to Seattle next Tuesday (March 27, 2006) for our house hunting trip.

We're also busily working on our current house to sell it. There's landscaping to be done and some minor bathroom plumbing that we're taking care of this week. Also... lots of powerwashing so that we can have the deck looking great for our prospective buyers.

We're going to have our friend Maureen Cashel list the house for us. But, it might be the easiest sell she's ever had because Colleen's Cousin Tim is interested in the house. He's on vacation right now but will be back by the end of the week and he's got first dibs on it if he wants it. He saw it in its "unimproved" state last week and liked it a lot.

welp... nuff of a break. back to work.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

wheels in motion....

Well the wheels are starting to move now. We've made the initial contact with the relocation manager... and are now working out our schedule to get out to the Seattle area for a visit. We're also moving forward with all of the tasks we have to get done to list the house. Lots to do... better get back at it. more later. .b

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

more waiting...

Well... now we wait for our Relo person to get on board. Meanwhile... tons of things to do to the house here in Webster Groves to get ready to sell. We hope that maybe a family member might buy it but if not... we need to be ready to put in on the market STAT.

We're hoping to go out to Seattle over the kid's spring break for our house hunting trip but we have to get those arrangements done first.

Meanwhile... we have regular life to continue... we're busy with Soccer for Ben and Lacrosse for Nick. And... there's always something we're responsible for at church. So... plenty to keep us busy. More to write soon.

Friday, March 16, 2007


Well... I passed the background test at Microsoft so... now it is time to work out the timing of our move. Lots of variables involved but I'm going to shooting for me being in Seattle and working no later than the end of April. They have been very flexible and more than accommodating so far with this planning.

The kids continue to be good although Ben's showing some signs of hesitation a bit. It is to be expected as his world is a little closer to him than the rest of us (being 9 and all).

I've been busy sanding cabinets and making trips to Home Depot, Lowes, and Mac Hardware as we get our house ready to put on the market. It is amazing the little things that you live with around your house... that need to be fixed in order for someone else to buy it. There's lots more to do but... it is coming along. We've gotten help from our friends at Kuhn Construction as well.

Need to get back at it. As our plans unfold... check back here soon for more details.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

the waiting... is the hardest part

welp... nothing yet. That's the latest. Lot's of folks asking when are we moving... and as I sit here... don't have an answer yet. Right now MS is running a background check on me so.. we'll have to wait until that is done. Offer letters are signed and delivered. Waiting for the next step so... in the immortal words of Tom Petty;

The waiting is the hardest part.


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Believe it or not...

Well, believe it or not, it looks like the Bledsoe Family is going to make the move west to the Seattle Area. We are working out the details as we "virtually speak" but Bill will be going to work for Microsoft in the not too distant future, as part of the team.

So... we thought we'd create this blog to keep everyone up to date on what we know, what we don't know... pictures, etc. More to come soon.

The Bledsoes